Local weather conditions, advisories & watercraft bans

(Scott Fisher)

FOX 7 has up-to-date information on local weather conditions and advisories.

Remember the saying: Turn Around, Don't Drown! If there's water over the road, go back and find another route. It is illegal to drive around barricades at a flooded low water crossing.

These are the current counties under a watch or warning:

Lee County

  • Flood Warning until 2:00 p.m. on 8/23/16

Milam County

  • Areal Flood Advisory until 10:15 p.m. on 8/20/16

More than 151 crossings are currently closed. Click here to check the roads.

There are currently no watercraft bans in place.

You can click on these links for more resources about safety and cancelations of events:

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