City commission votes to condemn Trump

Monday the Human Rights Commission voted 8-2 to condemn  quote "certain conduct by the president and vice-president and to ban official use of Trump products and services.”

“It's really to take a stand against the language and actions he has taken not just during the campaign but before the campaign and since the campaign,” said Garry Brown, commissioner.

The commission made a few amendments, adding things related to Muslim identification and immigration status. Deferred Action for Child Arrivals(DACA) recipient Juan Belman thinks the city would be moving in the right direction, if this is later made final.

“It's good they are showing and taking this stance to support all these communities that have been attacked,” said Belman.

Trump in the past has suggested deporting undocumented immigrants.

“I’m in school right now trying my hardest so my little brothers have a better opportunity than I had,” said Belman.

Immigration, respect for people with disabilities, and equal housing, were all some topics the commission brought up when speaking on trump's rhetoric.

Two commissioners voted no on the motion, and a citizen showed his disapproval as well.

“They are concentrating on petty little things, like going after Trump. They're concerned about something he said twelve years ago or what they think he might stand for, but they're not going to stand up against these Red Guards,” said Steve Mason, meeting attendee.

“I don't understand the purpose or effect of it,” said Matt Mackowiak, GOP consultant.

Mackowiak has followed Trump's campaign.  He says picking a fight with trump is not the way Austin needs to go.

“We should all work to unify because it's in the country's best interest. Trump needs to do that, democrats need to do that and citizens need to do that,” said Mackowiak.

Commissioners will take the issue up with council and they hope the mayor can draft an official letter.

“We need to add our voice as a human rights commission to the voices that have risen over the last weekend,” said Mason.