Interview with Gov. Abbott: Issue Is

On this week's "Texas: The Issue Is", FOX 7 Austin's Rudy Koski spoke with Gov. Greg Abbott in a interview Wednesday about the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl and ongoing recovery efforts.

Student cell phone bans: Issue Is

The FOX Texas trio discuss bans on student cell phone use during the school day and what role the state legislature could play when it's in session again in January.

Texas: The Issue Is: U.S. Senate race

Democrat Colin Allred is hoping to defeat Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz in the upcoming election. The FOX Texas Trio talk about the race and more.

Is the Texas House corrupt?

The FOX Texas Trio unpacks their recent interview with State Rep. Harrison on politics in the Texas House.

Texas Senate election: Cruz vs. Allred

During a week when Pres. Biden sought to handle the crisis at the southern border, we focus on the coming battle in Texas for a U.S. Senate seat, and two issues both divisive and critical to the upcoming election.

The new leader of the Texas Republican Party

The Texas Republican Party has chosen a new leader, who says there's room for neither cooperation nor compromise when it comes to dealing with Democrats. FOX's Steven Dial has the interview.