'Fawn-tastic!' Pacifica crews rescue baby deer from storm drain

Storm drains are often filled with candy wrappers, sticks and empty bottles.

But in Pacifia on Wednesday, emergency crews found something else: A stranded, struggling fawn.

Firefighter Bryn Morales from North County Fire Department and Pacifica Police Officer Will Smith were called out after a neighbor heard what sounded like a cat mewing from the bottom of the drain at the corner of Crespi and Barcelona drives about 10:30 a.m.

As Police Capt. Joe Spanheimer told the tale, the neighbor spotted the tiny, spotted fawn slip down the drain, and the baby deer's mother and sibling wandering nearby.

Smith showed up and realized he needed the fire department's help to get the drain cover off. Captain Howard Brown  and firefighter Greg McInturf also showed up to help. 

WATCH: Fawn rescued from drain

In 10 minutes, and with a bit of wriggling, Deputy Fire Chief Ron Bravo said the deer was free.

Crews are now looking to see if they can find her mother to return her to the wild. 

For now, they're just happy they could rescue the struggling animal. "FAWN-tastic," the fire department tweeted.

"This is the first time I've ever heard of something like this," Spanheimer said. "It's a nice feel good story." 
