Investigation into East Austin car burglaries

In the past two weeks, there has been an increase in burglaries and car thefts in or around the neighborhood of Knollwood on the Colorado River, particularly burglary of vehicles.
Please call 911 to report any suspicious person or vehicles in the area.
There are several simple steps that anyone can take to reduce the burglars’ opportunity & ability of you being a victim of a burglary of vehicle.
- Always lock your vehicle, even when it is parked in your own driveway. Oftentimes, car burglars will walk down the street trying car door handles. Many burglaries of vehicles involve no forced entry due to the doors being left unlocked by the owner.
- Do not leave anything of perceived value in your vehicle in plain view (cell phones, tablets, laptops, iPods, GPS units, purses, wallets, or backpacks even if empty.) Place items in the trunk, out of sight/covered, or take the items with you. Best practice - have items already put away before arriving at your destination as auto burglars may be watching. This tip is especially important when going to the gym.
- Gyms are prime locations for auto burglaries due to people often leaving purses and wallets in their vehicle while they are working out. Schools and daycares have also become prime target locations for auto burglaries.
- Do not leave garage door openers in your vehicle. There are numerous cases where auto burglars use the garage door opener and then have access to the property in your garage and even your home. Never leave your keys inside your vehicle, and never leave your vehicle running and unattended. Not only is it illegal under Texas law, but insurance companies often will consider this as owner-assisted auto theft.
Any information please on these subjects can be forwarded to Region 3 Tip line (512)-974-8106. You may also submit tips via APD’s new app, Austin PD. Download it today for Android and iPhone.