PARD to launch 2021 summer camp registration April 19

The Austin Parks & Recreation Department (PARD) will be opening registration for its 2021 summer camps on April 19.

This year PARD is offering two main options: a free virtual program "Stay Creative" and in-person camps at participating rec centers, nature-based sites, and culture centers.

In accordance with federal, state, and local health authorities, PARD says it has adopted modified guidelines for COVID-19 health and safety. All participants and staff must wear a mask and complete a daily wellness screening prior to entry. There will be one group or "pod" of no more than 10 people per room: eight youth plus one or two staff.


With limited summer camp capacity due to COVID-19, PARD is encouraging parents to consider multiple summer camp options to provide increased access to the City's reduced camp offerings for those disproportionately affected by the ongoing pandemic.

  • Lottery Registration from April 19 – May 16: Parents can register online to be included in a random lottery drawing for a limited number of in-person summer camps
  • Notifications for Specialty Camps from May 19-25: In-person specialty camps such as nature-based, inclusion, and cultural centers will contact participants who received a lottery spot
  • Notifications for General Recreation Camps from May 26 – June 1: In-person general recreation camps will contact participants who received a lottery spot in camp

Limited capacity in-person summer camp programming will be offered at nature centers, cultural centers, and general recreation sites from June 21 – August 13.

The free virtual "Stay Creative" summer camp will take place from June 7 – August 13 and explore the basic principles of art, culture, and history with PARD’s museums and cultural center staff.


PARD will also offer the Summer Playgrounds program from July 6 - August 13 with free in-person outdoor drop-in camps. These camps will have limited capacity and will be first-come, first-served on a daily basis.

Anyone needing ADA assistance or modifications for participation can contact PARD's Inclusion Unit at 512-974-3914. For more information about PARD Summer Camps, click here.
