Pigeon wearing tiny sombrero discovered in Reno

Sabra Newby, City Manager of the City of Reno, shared this photo on Twitter of a pigeon wearing a tiny sombrero. (Sabra Newby)
RENO, Nev. - A pigeon wearing a tiny sombrero in Reno was discovered following sightings of its cowboy hat-wearing cousins in Las Vegas, a city manager said.
Reno City Manager Sabra Newby tweeted about the bird Wednesday, saying it's quirky and fun but still inhumane.
It is the first known sighting of hat-wearing birds in the region, Washoe County Regional Animal Services officials said.
The sighting comes after a pigeon in Las Vegas with a miniature cowboy hat glued to its head died earlier this week, animal officials said.
People who see the bird are encouraged to call animal service dispatch officers, officials said.
It is unclear who put the hat on the bird.

Sabra Newby, City Manager of the City of Reno, shared this photo on Twitter of a pigeon wearing a tiny sombrero. (Sabra Newby)