Retirement ceremony for Lakeway Police K-9 on Friday

(Lakeway Police Department)

The Lakeway Police Department will be holding a retirement ceremony to honor the service and career of K-9 Orka. The ceremony will take place on Friday, February 3 at 3 p.m. at Lakeway City Hall. 

Lakeway City Hall is located at 1102 Lohmans Crossing. 

"Orka is beloved among not only officers but also the community," Lakeway Police Chief Todd Radford said. "We invite the public to join us in recognizing her at the ceremony."

Orka is a female German Shepard and was bron in Germany on May 28, 2007. The Austin Police Department adopted and commissioned her in 2009 after she received extensive training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. After serving four successful years with APD, Orka was commissioned by the Lakeway Police Department in 2013. 

After seven honorable years of service to both law enforcement agencies, Orka is retiring from narcotics detection.

"Orka's service record is remarkable," Radford noted. "In the last three years, she and her handler, Officer Wendy Kanzenbach, have been instrumental in numerous seizures and arrests made by the Lakeway Police Department and surrounding agencies, which our narcotic detection dogs also support."

Orka also enjoyed participating in countless scholastic and community events throughout the City of Lakeway.

"Orka performed her detection duties admirably, but she also had one of the sweetest temperaments with children," Radford said. "She was the perfect dog to help launch our department's K-9 program, and we are thankful for her service."