Task force established to try to corral daredevil drivers on ATVs

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The Atlanta Police chief admits the city "does not have arms around" the problem of daredevil riders atop off road vehicles driving alongside cars on the street and expressways.

George Turner spoke candidly to city council members who expressed concerns about aggressive behavior by many of the drivers.

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Even a task force made up of homeland security and other divisions are trying to tackle the issue and come up with a strategy.

One member, Joyce Sheperd, said she has tried to speak to the riders who turn aggressive, "telling me where to get off at".

Sheperd said in her district, they will come down the street 6 to 10 wide acting like they own the street.

The chief said the city deploys drones and a helicopter to follow the ATVs because officers cannot chase a vehicle that can go off road.

Perhaps his best tool is information through social media about where the riding will start. That is when officers have their best chance to stop it.