Trial for alleged ‘6th Street shooter' begins
Prosecutors and the defense opened up with their statements Tuesday morning, telling jurors why or why they should not convict Endicott McCray. Sabrina Moultrie, 30-year old Teqnika Moultrie's wife, told the court she and Teqnika married that Spring. They were planning a large reception for later that year. The two were visiting family in Austin the weekend of the shooting.
Teqnika and her wife were on 6th Street in the early morning hours of July 31, 2016 when Austin police officers say shots were fired, injuring four and killing Teqnika Moultrie on scene.
Austin police officers, a crime scene specialist and detectives all took the stand Tuesday, laying out what that night and early morning looked like. Photos of the crime scene and surveillance video were shown in court.
Authorities say it was Endicott McCray who opened fire into the crowd after getting into a fight with his brother in law on 6th St near Voodoo Doughnuts. However, no officer said they saw Endicott McCray fire those shots into the crowd. Police have only testified about the aftermath so far.
The defense has not presented their case yet, however they made some statements during cross examination alluding to the chaos of that morning. As police say people were seen "stampeding" after hearing shots go off.
The defense is hoping to give jurors some kind of reasonable doubt. During recess, Fox 7 reached out to Sabrina Moultrie, who declined to speak with us.
McCray is charged with murder and four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.