AISD confirms case of "whooping cough" at Williams Elementary

Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department confirm that a child recently contracted pertussis, commonly known as "whooping cough."
They released the following letter to parents and staff of Williams Elementary on January 29th.
Dear Parent/Staff:
A child in your school has pertussis, otherwise known as "whooping cough." Our office has been
working with Children's/AISD Student Health Services and the school's administration to
prevent further spread of this disease. The following are recommendations that we ask you to
follow without delay to protect your child and family:
Parents are advised to consult with their child's physician due to this pertussis exposure for
medical care other than observation for signs of pertussis.
Observe all household members for the signs/symptoms described in the attached pertussis
information sheet. If signs and symptoms develop in a household member, please contact your
physician for evaluation and possible treatment. Be sure to mention your child's exposure to
pertussis and provide your physician this letter.
Immunization records should be checked and any child or adult who is under-immunized
or not immunized should follow up with their physician to receive age appropriate
pertussis-containing tetanus/diphtheria vaccine.
Please review the information sheet on pertussis. Please notify us as well as your school if your
child or any household member is suspected of having pertussis. If your physician suspects you
or your child has pertussis, please do not attend school until you/your child has been
cleared to return by the physician and health department. If you have any questions, please
call our office at 512-972-5555.
Philip Huang, M.D., M.P.H.
Medical Director/Health Authority
Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services