Cap Metro offering free rides and expanded service on New Year's Eve

Capital Metro released the following press release...

AUSTIN, Texas (Dec. 28, 2015) – Capital Metro has announced its service schedule for the New Year’s holiday. On New Year’s Eve, free rides on MetroBus, MetroRapid, MetroRail and MetroAccess will be offered after 6 p.m. to help residents and visitors safely ring in the New Year.  

Service on MetroRail will be extended that evening, with the last downtown train leaving at 2:30 a.m. In addition, MetroRapid will run later hours, with final departures from downtown along Guadalupe and Lavaca at 2:30 a.m. Also available New Year’s Eve are five Night Owl routes that run to and from Sixth and Congress every 30 minutes from midnight until 3 a.m.

Local MetroBus service will operate a regular weekday schedule New Year’s Eve, as well, giving riders additional late night travel options to get them to and from festivities. E-Buses and UT Shuttles will not be in service. 

On New Year’s Day, Friday, Jan. 1, Capital Metro will operate MetroBus and MetroRapid service on a Sunday schedule. MetroRail, UT Shuttles, Night Owls and E-Buses will not be in service.  

Service will resume its regular weekday schedules Saturday, Jan. 2, with the exception of UT Shuttle and E-Bus service.  

MetroAccess subscription trips will automatically be canceled Jan. 1. Customers needing to keep their subscription trips should call (512) 852-7272. The reservation line will be staffed New Year’s Day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

Capital Metro administrative offices and the Transit Store will also be closed Jan. 1, however the GO Line will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Customers will also have 24-hour access to the automated phone line and online Trip Planner

More information about Capital Metro schedules and services can be found at, on the free CapMetro App or by calling the Go Line at (512) 474-1200. Details about the special New Year’s Eve service can be found at

Capital Metro wishes everyone in the community a safe and happy holiday.