Counselor weighs in on road rage incident
Chances are: you've seen the viral video making its rounds on social media. It shows two men engaged in a road-rage fight, in the middle of a South Austin street.
The fight happened in the middle of the day on Monday. It’s an incident that counselor Cliff Hamrick finds flabbergasting.
“I think it was just two guys who just kind of lost it in that moment, Hamrick, a licensed counselor, said.
By the looks of it, "lost it" is the appropriate phrase. The video shows that one man hit the door of the truck with a baseball bat and the other driver steps out ready to fight, but quickly goes back to put the truck in park. He later reached into his truck and grabbed that wooden rod. That's when the battle began.
Hamrick deals with clients daily who have anger management issues but he says nothing tops this video.
“I'm going to guess those guys just don't take very good care of themselves and they just met each other a street one day,” he said.
He says the slightest thing can tick someone who has anger issues, off immediately.
“It could be someone sits too long at a red light or someone pulled out in front of them in a parking lot or anything minor and ridiculous like that. It's just a whole bunch of stuff built up over time and in that moment, something finally snaps.
Hamrick says the average person may just get upset while in the car, but every blue moon you may run into a situation like this one.
“Most people are content to sit in their car and yell and scream and punch the steering wheel and say horrible things about people they've never met,” he said.
Police have not identified the men in the video.