Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 7

Election Day is on Tuesday and voters will get to decide on the billion dollar Austin Independent School District bond.  

The AISD bond is listed under Prop A on the ballot. The district says the money will be used toward renovating 16 different schools, improving technology and paying for construction of new facilities. 

In addition to the bond vote, resident can decide on some amendments to the state constitution.

  • Proposition 1 would allowing some qualifying, partially disabled veterans or their surviving spouses to get exemptions from some property taxes.
  • Proposition 2 relates to the restrictions on Texans borrowing against equity in their homes. 
  • Proposition 3 would limit how long gubernatorial appointees can serve after their terms expire.
  • Proposition 4 would require judges notify the attorney general's office when the constitutionality of state laws are challenged.
  • Proposition 5 relates to some sporting associations holding charitable raffles.
  • Proposition 6 could offer property taxes exemptions to surviving spouses of first responders killed in the line of duty.
  • Proposition 7 would allow banks and credit unions to offer raffles and other prizes to people opening savings accounts.

There are no statewide offices on the ballot and midterm elections for congressional and legislative races are still a year away.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday.