Friends Bar stays open on Thanksgiving, provides food and clothes to homeless

Those without a house, and those who just wanted to get out of the house, had a place to go this Thanksgiving. 

Friends Bar on Sixth Street hosted its second annual ‘Friendsgiving’ on Thursday.

Along with serving up drinks and live music, they were able to hand out hot turkey meals and free clothes and snacks to anyone who stopped by. The event was made possible by donations from customers and other businesses over the last month as well as volunteers that showed up Thanksgiving Day. 

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"I just wanted to give back and wanted to help the community," said volunteer Ryan Keen. 

2021 was the first time Friends Bar hosted the event after Kitchen Manager Jorge Trejo came up with the idea.

"I think this is a thing that’s going to stick," said Teddie Hickey, one of the bar managers. "We’re going to try and maybe do it every year."
