Multiple DWIs for man charged with running over APD cop
A man who allegedly ran over an Austin police officer Monday morning has a long criminal history of dangerous driving. 25-year-old Javier Tinoco is facing his fourth DWI, but that’s not all. Austin Police filed more charges against him Monday afternoon.
By mid-morning Monday there was little to see at an east Austin cul-de-sac off of Munson St. A few hours earlier, resident's like Hester Ramirez said they were jolted out of bed by a chaotic confrontation.
"I heard the shots, that’s what woke me up,” said Ramirez.
The shots were fired by an Austin police officer, Samuel Travis, who along with another officer, Jeff Barrick, had cornered a suspected drunk driver in Mark Circle. Moments earlier, the driver identified as Tinoco had allegedly backed over officer Barrick and briefly dragged him across the pavement. Ramirez told FOX 7 she watched paramedics load the injured officer into an ambulance.
"I was just hoping he was ok, hopefully he wasn't hurt, that was my main concern,” said Ramirez.
During a morning press briefing, Interim Chief Brian Manley provided a status update on the officers.
"Our officer that was struck by the vehicle (Jeff Barrick) is a 19 year veteran of the department, he was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released. Our officer that fired his weapon (Sam Travis) is a 4 year officer with the department, and he will be placed on administrative leave, as is our customary practice as we investigate this incident,” said Manley.
Tinoco fled the neighborhood with police not far behind. Some officers stayed in the area to search for a possible accomplice.
Tinoco was eventually caught a few miles away. He was charged with DWI and investigators learned he also had outstanding warrants.
"They were leaving the scene of a collision warrants,” said Manley.
Along with the drunk driving charge, the additional charges against Javier Tinoco include; aggravated assault against public servant, evading arrest, and striking an unattended vehicle.
His criminal record, which dates back to 2009 and sounds very familiar, includes multiple arrests for drunk driving, evading and resisting.