Police say man dies after being punched in head

A man is charged with manslaughter after police say he punched another man in the head at a Chili's in north Austin.

It happened on Friday June, 29 around 10:55 p.m. near the intersection of Burnet Road and 183. 

According to court documents the victim identified as Gregory Hines, he told police he had not provoked the attack. Police identified the suspect as 43-year-old Jeffrey Robinson. 

Hines said, "I was just sitting there and dude came up and clobbered me."

According to police Hines was transported to Northwest Seton Hospital where he later died on Sunday after suffering a subdural hematoma. 

A witness interviewed by police, told them she believed the attack was provoked by jealousy.  

The witness told police she had been walking with Robinson from the 7-Eleven on Burnet Road and 183 on the night of the incident. She said while they were walking she saw Hines sitting on the grass and stated, “Oh, there’s Greg.” 

Moments later the witness told police Robinson became jealous and asked her, “You want him too?”

The witness told police her and Hines have no romantic history.

She also told police Robinson and her had only lived together for a short time.  

According to the affidavit Robinson punched Hines in the head knocking him unconscious for a few minutes. Police said Robinson walked away after the attack. 

Robinson is charged with manslaughter, a second-degree felony.

Bond was set at $50,000.