Southeast Austin school in need of donations to help pay for resources
AUSTIN, Texas - City School has been serving the Dove Springs neighborhood for nearly two decades.
An Tran, a board chair member at City School, says donations help the school operate.
"It's dropped after two years of COVID, and then last year's financial crisis. I think donations across the board dropped," says An Tran, board member at City School.
Eighty percent of the students enrolled receive financial aid, 40% are minorities, mostly Hispanic.
"We kind of rely on donations for those scholarship funds, partial scholarships for some of the, you know, middle to lower middle income families and nearly full scholarships for the lower income families," says Tran.
The donations also help pay for school resources.
"The majority of the budget of a private school is staff. And, you know, very little of it goes to facilities or other kind of overhead," says Tran.
City School's mission is to be socioeconomically diverse.
There will be fundraising events coming up in the future to fund the next school year.
"Amplify Austin is happening soon. We'll be part of that. We've already had matching donors and I will personally meet anybody that loves the idea of this mission to look at our school," says Tran.
If you are able to and want to make a donation, click here.