Supporters, protesters turn out during President Trump Austin visit

President Donald Trump visited Austin Sunday for the 101st annual American Farm Bureau Federation’s Annual Convention. 

Air Force One arrived at Austin Bergstrom International Airport’s South Terminal around 4:30 p.m.

The president was greeted by a crowd of supporters, cheering for “four more years.” 

“He gave us a fist bump and a four -- I guess to win the votes for November, four more years.” Hannah Ficke explained. 

Ficke was among those who came out to see the president. 

“I came to see the orange spray tan in person, and to rub it in my co-worker's faces.” she laughed. 

George Waller’s reasons were different, “Well it’s a proud day for Texas and the City of Austin to have Donald Trump come. I’m just pleased as punch to be part of it and I think he’s transforming America in a very positive way.”

Angela Greenlee, came because she wanted to “be a part of it.” “I came out because I’ve never been around anything like this, I thought it’d be really neat to see the plane and President,” she said. 

The President then made his way to the event at the Austin Convention Center, where supporters and a large number of protestors gathered.

Among them, was Bryan Register. “Trump should be told everywhere he goes that he is not wanted, that this is not a country that is friendly for him, that he violates our ideals,” he said.