TxDOT’s latest I-35 plans include lowering lanes, deck plazas

The Texas Department of Transportation revealed updated proposed design alternatives for the I-35 Capital Express Central project on Tuesday.

"We’re expecting traffic to increase almost 50 percent in the next 25 years, and we look out that far when we put these projects together," said Tucker Ferguson, district engineer for TxDOT Austin at a media briefing Tuesday afternoon.

After a public meeting in August, minor changes were made to the two existing proposals: Alternative 2 and Alternative 3.

While Alternative 2 saw minor tweaks, Alternative 3 received some more extreme modifications. The modified Alternative 3 plan includes lowering lanes of I-35 and crossing the northbound I-35 frontage road to join the southbound frontage road on the west side of I-35.

If funding is approved for deck plazas, or caps, those will be included in the final design as well.

The cap and stitch approach plays a major role in the proposed plans to accommodate Austin’s growth. A stitch is essentially a bridge over a lowered portion of the freeway. It may include bike lanes or pedestrian lanes. 

A cap also connects both sides, but it’s larger and often used as park space. Klyde Warren Park in Dallas is an example of what this could look like in Austin.

"This would provide us better mobility and connectivity throughout Downtown and Central Austin," said Mike Trimble, director of the Corridor Program Office at the City of Austin.

Currently, the City, Downtown Austin Alliance, and TxDOT are working together on a plan for the extra funding that’s needed for the caps. The rest of the changes are included in the proposed $4.9 billion dollar budget.

Tuesday evening, the new plans were presented to the public. Environmental and engineering teams will eventually be brought in to do an analysis on the preferred alternative. 

After finalizing drawings and getting projects out for bid, Ferguson estimated that construction could begin by late 2024 or 2025.

City of Austin, activists respond to possible design changes for I-35

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