Utility scammers targeting City of Austin customers with scam calls
AUSTIN, Texas - Utility customers within the City of Austin have been receiving scam calls.
Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 18, customers reported receiving calls which appeared to be from a City of Austin phone number. The scammers reportedly spoofed several city numbers, including Austin 3-1-1. At least 200 customers reported receiving scam calls, according to the City of Austin.
14 customers have reportedly paid nearly $13,000 to utility scammers.
Austin experienced its first real cold snap last week and scammers took that opportunity to take advantage of City of Austin Utilities customers, according to a press release from the city.
The scam artists continue to dupe people by reportedly calling and telling them their utility bill is past due and that their utilities will be shut off if they don’t make an immediate payment.
Utility scammers are using a variety of tactics that include:
- Masking City of Austin phone numbers or using other numbers that come across caller ID as "COA" or "Austin City."
- Telling customers that payment systems at local grocery stores haven’t been working and they are now months behind on utility bills.
- Telling customers that City of Austin payment systems haven’t been working and they are now months behind on utility bills.
- Directing customers to buy pre-paid credit cards to make an immediate payment over the phone.
- Sending customers a text with a QR code and asking them to go to specific stores to make payments using the code. In one case, the scammer stayed on the line with the customer and sent her several QR codes until one worked.
- Preying on both English and Spanish-speaking customers.
Here’s what customers need to know to avoid utility scammers:
- City of Austin Utilities does not call residential customers with cut-off deadlines. (Note: Commercial customers may receive a courtesy call two days prior to scheduled cut off for non-payment.)
- City of Austin Utilities will never ask for credit card or wire transfer information over the phone.
- While some customers do pay in cash, the City will never demand immediate payment in person with cash, gift card, Bitcoin or by QR code.
If a City of Austin customer receives a phone call threatening to interrupt service, demand immediate payment, or request credit card or bank account information, hang up and dial 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000 and report the incident immediately.
Anyone who has received such a call or email and is uncertain of their account status can call the Utilities Customer Contact Center at 512-494-9400. Payments can be made online at COAUtilities.com, in-person at walk-in centers or authorized payment sites or by mailing it to: City of Austin Utilities - Payment Processing, P.O. Box 2267, Austin, TX 78783-2267.
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