Trump, Biden plan trips to border

Ahead of the 2024 election, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are both planning trips to the U.S.-Mexico border. FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren discusses a recent Gallup poll with political analysts.

Is the House GOP in turmoil?

Critics are calling it a crisis at the Capitol. Is turmoil within the GOP actually helping Democrats this election season? FOX 7's Mike Warren discusses with our political panel.

Independent study of Austin power lines

Austin City Council has given the green light for an independent study of the power lines in the Austin area. Elaine Veselka with Austin Energy joins Mike Warren to discuss.

Feral hog population control solution?

Texas farmers and ranchers have struggled to control the rising population of destructive and dangerous feral hogs for decades but they may have some help now thanks to a newly approved solution. Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller has details.

Dade Phelan fights back

House Speaker Dade Phelan has made some Texas Republicans so mad they're trying to get him primaried from office. Speaker Phelan is fighting back with a new digital campaign, which was first reported by the Texas Tribune.

Gov. Abbott targets anti-school choice House Republicans

Gov. Abbott has failed to get school vouchers passed through several special sessions, now the governor is targeting Republicans who would not vote for it. FOX 7's Mike Warren discusses with our panel.