Are you ready for open carry? New law takes effect January 1st

The new Texas Handgun License/Open Carry Law takes effect January 1.  Are you ready for open carry?

The Killeen Police department released this video to answer any questions that you might have.  The video also includes the following caption...

This video was produced as a public service for informational use only.

It should not be considered legal advice. Those interested in learning more about the legislation are encouraged to go to to conduct their own research.

Laws specific to the License to Carry issue may be found in the Penal Code and Government Code.


The video has over 400,000 views on the City of Killeen's Facebook Page.

The Round Rock Police Department also released a video.



The City of Taylor released this helpful infographic.



The Taylor Police Department also released the following press release...

Texas Open Carry Law Takes Effect Jan. 1, 2016

TAYLOR, Texas – Starting Jan. 1, 2016, Texans will be allowed to carry handguns in plain view, in accordance with House Bill 910. Individuals who obtain a License to Carry (LTC) or have a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) will be able to carry their weapon in plain view, when properly secured in a belt or shoulder holster.

Open carry laws apply to the lawful possession of a firearm and excludes persons convicted of certain crimes and minors under the age of 18 who do not have a parent present.

The TPD has trained all officers and dispatchers on the new laws and regulations to ensure they are able to answer concerned citizen’s questions and are aware of what is legal and is a violation under the new open carry law.

LTC holders are prohibited from carrying in certain locations such as worship centers, schools and school premises, voting locations, courtrooms, secure areas of government buildings and governmental meetings subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act, in accordance with Texas Penal Code.

The Texas Penal Code outlines all areas in which a LTC holder can and cannot openly or concealed carry.

Taylor City Hall will prohibit the carry of firearms in the Council Chambers during City Council or other governmental meetings and during times when the building serves as an official polling place for elections. All other areas of City Hall that are open to the public, such as the lobby and restrooms, will allow open carry.

Signs will be placed at public locations or facilities that ban the carry of firearms and must be posted in Spanish and English. Texas Penal Code Section 30.06 and 30.07 signs explicitly state restrictions to carrying openly or concealed.

Private businesses have the option to opt-out of the new Open Carry law and can give either verbal notice or post the notice that they ban the carry of firearms on their property. If the business chooses to post a sign, it must comply with the regulations for 30.06 and/or 30.07 signs.

Citizens with concerns are urged to call 9-1-1 only when encountering a person who is in clear violations of HB 910. Violations can include removing a gun from its secured holster, a gun holder who seems intoxicated or when the gun holders is obviously committing a crime or acting in a reckless or suspicious manner.

To report suspicious activity or for questions and concerns about the new Open Carry law, contact the Taylor Police Department at 512-352-5551.