Attorney for immigrant man in jail speaks on sex assault case
Raymond Espersen said he is working to reduce his client’s bond back to what it was before.
The Travis County Sheriff's Office says Hugo Gallardo-Gonzalez repeatedly sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend's daughter. But that offense does not fall under Sheriff Sally Hernandez's list of crimes qualifying for an ice detainer. So, it was initially denied. But later, things changed.
“I don't understand the legal basis for the detainer, I'm trying to get information on that. The allegation could be construed as an aggravating type of offense,” said Raymond Espersen, Gonzalez’s attorney.
That would fall under hernandez's policy. That would be an aggravated sexual assault.
Gonzalez, who is a legal resident alien, sits in jail on a now $250,000 bond, a change from the initial $50,000. Espersen says deportation still remains a threat.
“He's very concerned because this is unfair to him and we're working to get it corrected,” said Espersen.
Gonzalez is at the forefront of huge political debate. Governor Abbott has repeatedly criticized Hernandez's policy.
“Texans expect government to keep them safe. Now they have realized this sheriff's sanctuary city policy has released dozens of criminals,” said Governor Greg Abbott.
“I don't know if the political climate has affected this situation other than it might bear on why the bond was increased,” said Espersen.
As more political debates stir, Espersen still believes he can beat the case.