Austin police pay children in mega shelter a visit, with gifts

Life is not normal, especially if you're a child, living in Austin's mega shelter.

“Some officers called last night and said ‘hey we have kids here who don't have any toys to play with, there are no basketball hoops or anything,’” said Ken Casaday, president of the Austin Police Association.

Chief Brian Manley, and officers with the Austin Police Association paid a visit to the shelter in Southeast Austin to bring some joy to children, displaced by Harvey. Monday they brought basketball hoops, soccer balls, and many other toys. The police department spent $1,500 of their personal money doing so.

“It's traumatic for them. Just trying to give them any normalcy is our goal,” said Casaday.

Austin police have been busy in Rockport and Houston, serving up meals and helping HPD patrol the city.

“They're working twelve hour shifts 5 to 5. Half the guys are working in the morning and half of the guys are working at night,” said Casaday.

The city's response to Hurricane Harvey has been a team effort from agencies all around town. The Austin Disaster Relief Network has been sending help to affected cities

“We're reaching out and connecting to these relationships in different cities like Houston and Conroe, Corpus Christi, making sure what's on our truck is what they need,” said Stephen Brewer, associate director for ADRN.

ADRN sent at least 800 pallets of goods and needs off to various cities, but they need more.

“The donations we have the most need for now are people's most essential items, things like clean socks, blankets and pillows, baby wipes,” said Brewer.

With the City of Austin backing them up and mobilizing whomever they can, evacuees can count on help in the healing process.

If you wish to donate to Harvey survivors, drop off goods at Promise Land Church
1504 E 51st St, Austin, TX 78723

You can also donate monetary gifts at