Austin police searching for aggravated robbery suspect

AUSTIN - Austin Police are asking the public to identify a person who committed aggravated robbery at Rutland Market on Jan. 20, 2025 at 11:20 p.m.
Aggravated Robbery
What we know:
The market is located at 900 Rutland Drive in North Austin.
Police say the suspect went into the store and immediately showed a black handgun and demanded the clerk open the register.
The suspect took cash and ran from the store on foot, headed westbound on Rutland Dr.
Suspect Description:
The suspect is described as a white or Hispanic male between the ages of 18 and 25.
He is between 5'9" and 6' tall, and has a medium build.
He was last seen wearing a black balaclava mask, a black hoodie with a red shirt underneath, white gloves, black pants, white shoes and a distinctive red and white checkered backpack.

What you can do:
Anyone with any information should contact APD's Robbery unit at 512-974-5092. You may submit your tip anonymously through the Capital Area Crime Stoppers Program by visiting or calling 512-472-8477. A reward of up to $1,000 may be available for any information that leads to an arrest.
The Source: Information in this article is from the Austin Police Department.