Cold-stunned gator with fish in mouth stops mid-snack at Myakka State Park

Only in Florida does a cold-blooded predator get too cold to eat.

Robin Austin of Venice was in Myakka State Park over the weekend when she and her husband came across a massive alligator with a large snook in its mouth.

Austin, who was born in raised in Everglades City, says she's seen a lot of gators in her lifetime -- but never one like this.

"The gator just laid there. He didn’t move the whole time I watched him and taking pictures. He never moved," she said. "I guess gator was cold. Caught this fish and kind of didn’t know what to do with him at the time."

alligator snook robin austin

(Courtesy: Robin Austin)

WATCH: Hungry gator nabs food 'to go,' takes stroll across Florida golf course

Austin estimates the snook was at least three feet in length.

"The fish of course never moved and he just laid there," she said.

As for the gator, Austin says she believes it was about 10 to 12 feet long. And while she has photographed larger alligators in Myakka state park, she's never seen one with a catch that large.

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