Daycare teacher convicted of cruelty in 'baby fight club'

MANASSAS, Va. (AP) — A second daycare teacher has been convicted of child cruelty and other counts for abusive behavior toward a classroom of 2-year-olds that a prosecutor described as a "baby fight club."

Twenty-six-year-old Kierra Spriggs of Woodbridge was convicted on six counts Thursday after a two-week jury trial in Prince William County. A judge threw out convictions on three counts and she was acquitted on fourteen others.

Teacher Sarah Jordan was previously found guilty on similar charges. At Jordan's trial, prosecutor Ashleigh Landers likened the daycare class to a "baby fight club" inflicting suffering for the teachers' amusement.

Two other teachers in the classroom testified that Spriggs systemically mistreated the toddlers, including encouraging twin sisters to fight. One teacher testified that Spriggs fed a Flamin' Hot Cheeto to a toddler.