Days Inn will pay $10,000 for you to travel the world this summer

TAMPA, Fla. (FOX 13) - A hotel chain is offering an internship -- or as they call it a “sunternship” -- to travel the world. They’ll even pay you $10,000.
Days Inn is bringing back its “sunternship.” Over the course of two weeks, the suntern will visit Days Inn locations in Canada, Europe, South America and Asia. The internship will last for two weeks in August and will include an $150 daily travel stipend.
The intern must document the trip and provide recommendations on fun activities. The lucky individual will be required to take photos. Days Inn will use the content for ad purposes.
Applicants must be at least 21 years old and have a valid U.S. passport to participate. In order to apply, the application must include an original outdoor photo and 300-word essay about a dream destination.
The deadline to apply is May 24. Last year, more than 12,500 applications were sent in.
LINK: For more information, head over to the Days Inn website.