Fort Worth IHOP roof partially collapses because of fire

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Firefighters are battling a large fire at the IHOP restaurant in Fort Worth.

The fire was reported just before 8 a.m. Thursday at the restaurant along Highway 820 at Quebec Street. The heat and smoke turned more oppressive as the sun came up.

Officials said there were several employees and customers inside at the time. They noticed smoke coming from the ceiling and that lead to flames shooting through the roof.

Fort Worth firefighters battling the blaze took frequent water breaks to stay hydrated.

About 11 employees and 13 customers evacuated the IHOP as firefighters were arriving, but firefighters still did a sweep of the building to make sure no one was trapped.

In extremely hot conditions, fire departments call in extra crews for rotation so firefighters can take a break every few minutes.

No one was hurt in the fire, but the building will likely be a total loss.