Hays County still requiring appointments for COVID-19 vaccines
SAN MARCOS, Texas - Hays County says that residents will still be required to get an appointment for COVID-19 vaccines after vaccine eligibility in Texas expands next week.
On Tuesday, the Texas Department of State Health Services announced that beginning Monday, March 29, all adults will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in Texas.
Officials say vaccine supplies are expected to increase next week and providers in multiple parts of the state have made great strides in vaccinating people in the current priority groups.
The Expert Vaccine Allocation Panel in Texas recommended opening vaccination to everyone who falls under the current Food and Drug Administration emergency use authorizations to protect as many Texans as possible. DSHS is also asking vaccine providers to prioritize those age 80 and older when scheduling appointments.
Hays County Health Department Director Tammy Crumley said the expansion of eligibility for recipients is a good thing and she welcomes any changes that allow more of the population the opportunity to get vaccinated. Crumley said Hays County still has a pre-registration list that can be found online. All vaccine doses will still be given by appointment only.
FOX 7 Discussion: Tracking progress of vaccinations in Texas
Finding a COVID vaccine has been a tough task for many Texans. UT's LBJ School of Public Affairs has developed a new web tracker to show the progress of vaccinations across the state. Data lead on the project, Matt Worthington, shares all the details.
"Individuals on the list should still expect to receive an email, text and/or phone call or voice mail with their appointment information," Crumley said.
To date, Hays County says it has administered more than 25,000 first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, the majority of which were from Pfizer.
DSHS officials will soon be launching a website to allow people to register for a shot through some public health providers. The public will be able to enroll in the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler to identify upcoming vaccine clinics hosted by DSHS or a participating local health department and be notified when new clinics and appointments become available. People can continue to find additional providers through the DSHS Vaccine Information page.
For those who are unable to enroll online, DSHS will launch a toll-free number to provide assistance making an appointment with a participating provider or locating another provider that has vaccines available.