Hundreds step forward to help 5-yr-old foster child in need of transplant

Officials with the University Transplant Center say since a public appeal was made that hundreds have signed up to learn if they might be a potential match for five-year-old Austin foster child Leland. Leland, who has been on dialysis for most of his life, needs a kidney transplant because his most recent graft will fail.

UTC says that of the more than 300 people who have signed up to learn if they are a potential match, three are currently undergoing medical evaluations to see if they are compatible. The complete evaluation process can take about three weeks.

While this is definitely good news, UTC reminds people that it's uncertain whether the three people undergoing evaluations, or any of the others who have stepped forward so far, will be a good match. Doctors would like to have a backup plan even if a suitable donor is found.

Anyone interested to see if they might be a candidate is asked to fill out the online questionnaire here.

Doctors remind people that donating a kidney can save lives and is a serious decision, one that should be made with an understanding of the possible risks and complications. To learn more about donating you can go here.