I-35 construction: Austin ISD transportation talks about project's effects
I-35 construction's effects on Austin ISD
Commuters have noticed some changes on I-35 as construction for the I-35 Capital Express Central project is now underway. This project will affect many people including Austin ISD. FOX 7 Austin's Jessica Rivera has details.
AUSTIN, Texas - Commuters have noticed some changes on I-35 as construction for the I-35 Capital Express Central project is now underway.
This project will affect many, including the Austin Independent School District.
What they're saying:
"We are aware of the plans that what will be happening and we will adjust accordingly after you know as they have detours, closures or anything we need to do to make sure our kids go to school on time," says Kris Hafezi, Austin ISD transportation director.
The backstory:
Several schools in the district are located right off I-35. Hafezi says the district is currently being impacted by a construction project on Highway 290.
"At this time, routes mostly remain the same. The main area that we do get updates weekly is about Oak Hill and the 290-area construction and our schedulers adjust that, and they and we will update that. So, but at this time no, not many changes," says Hafezi.
The I-35 Capital Express Central Project is nearly eight miles long. It starts along I-35 between U.S. 290 east and goes down to state highway 71 at Ben White Boulevard. As construction makes its way down south, it could impact bus routes for Austin ISD.
"The good thing about that is we also can use the 183, in case if it gets really bad, we can detour to 183 or go through Lamar or go through Congress. There are many ways to go south to north. If it gets really bad, then we are stuck," says Hafezi.
As for now, Hafezi and the school district are working closely with TxDOT to ensure construction won't have any major impacts on the school district's operations.
"Our number one priority is to make sure our students get to school on time," says Hafezi.
Hafezi says at this time, bus routes will remain the same, but if there are any changes made, he says it's important for parents to go on the school districts bus tracker link to see if there are any updates on your child's bus route.
Dig deeper:
I-35 expansion: MLK Bridge demolition
Construction is underway for the I-35 Capital Express Central Project as the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) prepares to demolish the MLK bridge.
The first extended road closure connected to the I-35 expansion project in Austin went into place in early December.
The northbound I-35 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard bypass lane will be closed until early 2025, that's according to TxDOT.
TxDOT broke ground on the $4.5 billion expansion project in late October.
The project will construct two non-tolled high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) managed lanes in each direction along I-35 from US 290 East to SH 71/Ben White Boulevard.
I-35 expansion project: Austin shows new renderings
The city of Austin is giving a visual update on its Cap and Stitch program. The project is part of the Texas Department of Transportation’s expansion of I-35.
It will also lower the main lanes from Airport Boulevard to Lady Bird Lake, remove the upper decks, improve transit connections, add boulevard-style segments through downtown and enhance pedestrian and bicycle paths along the corridor.
The full I-35 Capitol Express Central Project has a timeline of being completed by 2032.
The project has been broken up into pieces.
You can read more about the project here.
The Source: Information from reporting by Jessica Rivera and TxDOT.