Judge gives Dara Llorens jail time for kidnapping daughter
Dara Llorens walked into Judge Mike Lynch's courtroom a little after 9 Wednesday morning for the final day in the sentencing.
The defense called several witnesses who knew Dara while she was going through her divorce from Greg Allen.
A married couple she briefly lived with testified Dara was a wonderful mother to Sabrina.
After that, a roommate of Dara's took the stand and said while looking after 4-year-old Sabrina she saw some behavior in her that she felt might point to sexual abuse.
The witness encouraged Dara to look into any abuse by Greg and encouraged her not to run.
The defense also called a psychologist who performed a psych eval on Llorens on March 17th.
He determined she may have some obsessive traits but she's not mentally ill.
Llorens herself declined to take the stand because she felt her attorney quote "covered all the bases."
After a short break Judge Lynch sentenced Llorens to 2 and 6 years severed concurrently for each of the charges -- kidnapping and interference with child custody...plus credit for time served.
Llorens attorneys Jackie Wood and Julie Pennington say their client is emotional as well.
"I know she's happy that people at least understand that some of Mr. Allen's allegations and accusations were exaggerated. That there was real concern by many people about this child and that she did what she did...out of desperation and I think she'd be happy the world finally knows at least both sides of the story," Wood said.
Greg Allen would not comment on camera but he did send us a statement saying:
As we've been reporting, Sabrina is now 18-years old and going by the name "Fair."
The Allen family says at first she had a hard time living with them but they say it's getting better.
She and Greg now like to talk politics.