Madonna, Ritchie urged to resolve teen son's custody case

NEW YORK (AP) — A New York judge is urging Madonna and Guy Ritchie to resolve a custody dispute over their teenage son.

During a proceeding in Manhattan Wednesday, state Supreme Court Justice Deborah Kaplan implored the divorced singer and film director to settle the matter.

At issue is with whom their 15-year-old son, Rocco Ritchie, should be living. His court-appointed attorney says the teenager is stressed by the uncertainty of the case.

Lawyers for both sides said a potential agreement reached late Tuesday had fallen apart.

Kaplan ruled in December that Rocco return to his mother's custody after he left her worldwide tour to stay with Ritchie in London. Records show Madonna has moved for the judge to enforce that order.

Both parents are abroad and called in to the New York proceeding Wednesday.