Texas mom urges parents to beware 'soft spot' condition plaguing her 5-month-old

Human skull x-ray (iStock)

A Midwest Texas mother is speaking out about a rare condition plaguing her son to raise awareness among other parents who may miss the signs.

Marissa Davis, of Abilene, Texas, is mom to 5-month old Kamden, who suffers from sagittal craniosynostosis, Big Country Homepage reported. The condition occurs when joints in the skull develop prematurely, outpacing the growth of the brain, according to the Mayo Clinic. Effects may include a misshapen skull and a “soft spot” on the front of the baby’s skull, as well as slow growth of the head compared to the rest of the body, and increased pressure in the skull.

"I noticed a ridge on [Kamden’s] head, and I also noticed that his head was growing only longwise, elongated," Davis told the news website.

Davis caught the condition early by Googling her son’s symptoms—a discovery she said helped him avoid CVR surgery, which would have required rebuilding his entire skull. Instead, he underwent an endoscopic procedure. However, he will still have to wear helmets to protect his head until he is 18 months old.

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