Train vs. pedestrian leaves one dead in North Austin
AUSTIN, Texas - There has been a train vs. pedestrian incident in North Austin, according to ATCEMS.
Around 3 p.m. on Sunday afternoon ATCEMS and Austin PD originally responded to 12300 Dorsett Road for a train vs. pedestrian incident.
Various public safety agencies were on scene searching for the patient.
Police dispatch coordinated with Union Pacific dispatch and relocated to 3918-4135 Duval Rd, to search the area.
Austin Fire made contact with the victim and pronounced an "obvious deceased on scene." ATCEMS arrived later and declared the victim dead.
Officials say the victim was a female in her 40's.
Union Pacific officials have confirmed that she was walking on the train tracks and not a crossroad at the time of contact. The company plans to resume operations Sunday night and wants to warn the public to be careful when around train tracks.