TxDOT launches TALK. TEXT. CRASH campaign
The Texas Department of Transportation is kicking off its TALK. TEXT. CRASH campaign. The campaign is focusing on younger drivers so TxDOT is taking it straight to the University of Texas campus.
Statistics show that about one in five traffic crashes across the state involves a distracted driver so the campaign also a reminder for all driver to put down the phone because whatever it is can wait.
One of the ways TxDOT hopes to get that point across is a wall of remembrance. The wall will display several Texans and the effect of distracted crashes on their families.
Texans like Mike Myers, who lost his daughter Elana, in a distracted driving-related wreck share their stories. She was driving home from Texas Tech when she was in a rollover crash.
Just last year, about 4,100 traffic crashes in Austin were related to distracted driving.
Through its TALK.TEXT. CRASH campaign, TxDOT reminds drivers that talking, texting, eating, or even changing the radio station while driving can lead to serious injury or death.
Experts say driving requires your full attention. Anything less jeopardizes your life, your loved ones and everyone else on the road.
Aside from a giant, car-sized smashed smart phone, there will also be a distracted driving simulator that allows participants to sit behind the wheel and experience firsthand how receiving a phone call, answering a text, or sending an email can impair their driving.