WATCH: Gator tussle caught on camera in Clearwater

Jeremiah Johnson/Espo Entertainment - YouTube
CLEARWATER, Fla. - Two alligators got into quite a tangle Tuesday afternoon and a photographer who shot video of it happened to be in the right place at the right time.
It happened at a pond in Clearwater. Jeremiah Johnson, who shoots children's education videos for Jack Hartmann and often shoots wildlife, caught the tussle on camera.
"This just happened to a 'in the right spot at the right time' instance", said Johnson.
In the video, one gator is seen walking by when the other one, with his mouth wide open, strikes the other one's tail. They roll each other down the hill and finally flop into the pond.
Johnson said the two gators have lived there for years and the fight was likely about territory.
He said it didn't appear either of them were hurt.
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