Taco Bell to giveaway free tacos if any player in 2017 World Series steals a base

Photo: Taco Bell
(FOX 11) - Taco Bell is planning on a delicious combo if you love tacos and the World Series!
But the condition is, a player on either team has to steal a base.
The Irvine-based chain announced Monday to bring back its annual “Steal a Base, Steal a Taco” World Series promotion.
If any player on either team steals a base during game one or game two, everyone can get a free Doritos Locos taco on Wednesday, November 1st from 2-6 p.m at all participating locations.
If the first stolen base of the World Series takes place in game three or later, the free taco comes on Tuesday, November 7th from 2-6 p.m.
But of course, if no one manages to steal a base throughout the entire series, no free tacos for you!
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