5-year-old church shooting victim gets thousands of Christmas cards

Thousands of Christmas cards have poured in from all over the country addressed to a 5-year-old victim of the Sutherland Springs church shooting. 
After a tough month, Ryland Ward really needed a Christmas miracle. 

“He loves coming to the first floor to look at the tree,” said Earl McMahan, Ryland’s great uncle.  

The young boy survived a shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs that ended 26 lives, three of them Ryland’s relatives. 
His step-mother, Joann, did everything she could to make sure Ryland made it out alive.

“Ryland would not be here if she hadn’t of laid on top of him,” McMahan said.  

Ward was transported to University Hospital in San Antonio with five bullet wounds. 

“He’s got pins and screws in his leg, a hole in his arm and I imagine he’s in some pain,” said McMahan. 

Little things that used to be commonplace for Ryland now mean the world to the five year old's family.                 

“Today my niece told me he stood up for two minutes,” McMahan said.  

Special visitors also bring added hope. Like first responder Captain Rusty Duncan who found Ryland inside of the church that horrific morning. 

“Picked him up, carried him outside, put the tourniquets on his arms and leg, and, from what I’ve heard, the doctor said saved his life,” said McMahan.  

Ward hasn't spoken much about the attack. 

“He said, ‘Bad man shot Jojo and shot me,’” McMahan said. 

However, when his family asked what he wanted for Christmas Ryland didn't skip a beat. The five year old asked for Christmas cards filled with pictures of pets and $1 to help him afford a go kart. 

“I’d imagine he’s probably received enough to get two or three go karts,” said McMahan. 

People from all over the world delivered.  

“His smile gets bigger with every card that he opens up. I’m surprised his jaw’s not hurting,” McMahan said.  

The support from near and far has worked miracles; Ryland got his go kart, his family got Ryland’s contagious smile and everyone got the good news that Ryland will get to go home come February.

Ryland is still accepting donations. 

Please address cards to: 

Ryland Ward
4502 Medical Drive., MS 94-1
San Antonio, TX 78229

Ward's birthday is also on the horizon. He will turn six on January 5.