AISD proposes more than $1 million in security measures.
Although the 2017-2018 school year has come to end school officials at Austin Independent’s School District is getting a jump on the upcoming school year by ramping up school safety efforts.
This move comes after the tragic school shootings in both Parkland, Florida and in Santa Fe shook the nation. Friday, AISD sent a letter to parents with a proposed budget of $1.7 million dollars for enhancement in security measures.
Measures include:
- Five additional police officers
- Upgrades to raptor security safety check system
- An additional emergency management staff member
- Including a system for tracking students who ride the bus.
- All boxes and additional cameras at all high schools and middle schools.
The district said in addition to school safety they are expanding their school mental health centers beyond the secondary level. The district is spending $3.5 million grant to expand their culturally responsive restorative practices.
In the letter Superintendent Paul Cruz:
“These practices prioritize relationships among students, staff, families and the community, so that together we can build a strong, inclusive culture and climate at our schools.”