APD asking for help in identifying Yellow Rose robbery by threat suspect
Austin police are asking the public for help in identifying a suspect who robbed and threatened two individuals in the parking lot of the Yellow Rose on December 10.
The incident happened at around 3:30 a.m. at 6528 North Lamar Blvd. Officers say the victims say they did not see any weapons.
The suspect is described as follows:
- Hispanic male
- Early to mid 20s
- Approximately 5'7" to 5'11"
- Medium build
- About 150-170 pounds
- Thin mustache
The suspect was last seen wearing:
- Black zip up jacked with hood (gray inside the hood)
- Black/white circular patch/logo on right sleeve. Two white stripes on.
- Jackets sleeve cuffs and around the bottom
- Black beanie
- Dark baggy jeans
- Dark shoes with white around the bottom
- Long gold chain with large medallion
- Large diamond earrings
The suspect left the scene as a passenger in a vehicle described as a four door newer model dark, maroon sedan. It's possibly at 2010-2011 Toyota Avalon.
APD’s Robbery Unit is seeking the public’s assistance in locating and identifying the suspect in this case. If you have information, please contact the APD Robbery Tip Line at (512) 974-5092 or Crime Stoppers at 512-472-TIPS or text "Tip 103" + your message to CRIMES.
You can also submit tips by downloading APD’s mobile app, Austin PD, for free on iPhone.