Austin Animal Services Office launches public dashboard

The Austin Animal Services Office (ASO) says it is launching a public dashboard to provide easy access to performance and measurement data including the number of animals impounded and adopted. 

Currently, ASO’s data is only available on the City of Austin Data Portal, says the office. The main goal of the new dashboard is to create greater transparency in a format that is easier to use.

The dashboard will be rolled out in phases and the initial phase will consist of the reports currently on the City of Austin Data Portal. Meanwhile, ASO says that staff will continue to work in coordination with IT to fine tune the remaining data.

You can view the new dashboard here.

The first phase of the new dashboard includes: 

  • Intakes by animal
  • Animals adopted
  • Animals returned to owner
  • Animals euthanized
  • Total live release rates
  • Foster program
  • Animal vaccinations
  • Spayed/Neutered at shelter
  • Animal deaths in shelter/foster care
  • Animals transferred to rescue organizations
  • Animals lost, stolen, or missing
  • SNR program
  • Intact animals adopted/returned to owner
  • Reporting definitions

After all of the phases are completed, the ASO says the dashboard will meet all the reporting requirements in City Ordinance No. 20191017-025 and will provide additional dashboard numbers for:  

  • Animals over four weeks of age that received vaccinations
  • Amount of money paid to third-party providers of services to the City-operated animal shelter for emergency medical treatment
  • Number of animals spayed or neutered at the shelter
  • Number of animals spayed or neutered outside the shelter
  • Number of animals that died in the shelter or within the shelter’s foster program
  • Number of animals transferred to a rescue organization
  • The City-operated animal shelters live release rate goal
  • Number of cats released under the animal shelter’s shelter-neuter-return program

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