Austin Chamber partnering with Fort Hood for Veteran Job Fair

The Austin Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Fort Hood to place veterans in local jobs.

It's called "Operation Austin."

Fort Hood and the Austin Chamber plan to develop programs that will connect Austin businesses with potential veteran employees.

The hope is to eventually have Austin be a nationwide leader for recruiting vets.

Organizers say it's a win for veterans who want to stay in central Texas and a win for the city as well.

"We transition about 10,000 soldiers a year out of the service. And again, with all the great values we instill in ourselves and our soldiers and our families, that's a great work force that is moving on," said Col. Matthew Elledge Garrison, a Commander at Fort Hood

Operation Austin will kick off with a major job fair at Fort Hood on February 26-th.

About 50 Austin companies are expected to attend.