Austin ISD freezes 28 schools to transfers for school year 2018-19

%INLINE%Twenty-eight Austin ISD schools frozen to transfers in school year 2018-19 due to over enrollment were announced by Superintendent Paul Cruz.

Frozen schools include:

  • High schools: Akins, Bowie and McCallum
  • Middle schools: Lamar and Murchison
  • Elementary schools: Baldwin, Baranoff, Becker (pre-K through second grade)*, Blazier, Brentwood, Bryker Woods, Casis, Cowan, Davis, Doss, Gullett, Hill, Kiker, Lee (kindergarten through fifth grade), Maplewood, Mathews, Menchaca, Oak Hill, Reilly (pre-K through second grade), Ridgetop, Summitt, Sunset Valley (pre-K through second grade), and Zilker.

Some schools, including Becker, Reilly and Sunset Valley elementaries will continue to accept dual language transfer applications. Lee Elementary School in north central Austin will be frozen to transfers from kindergarten through fifth grade to allow for construction but will accept transfers into sixth grade.

The district will begin to accept transfer applications for in-district moves between Jan. 2-31, 2018. Out-of-district transfer applications will be accepted starting Feb. 1.


From FOX 7's reporting partner, Community Impact.