Burnet City Council increases pay scale for police, firefighters

The Burnet City Council has approved a resolution that will increase the pay scale for the Burnet Police and Fire Departments.

The pay scale will increase their pay to be competitive with much larger agencies in the Austin area, according to a press release on the resolution.  

Patrol Officer pay will now range between $58,700 to $71,000 annually, and Firefighter/Paramedic pay will range between $68,000 and $82,000 annually, depending on experience and certification.  

"The City of Burnet is committed to being one of the best public safety agencies in the Hill Country, which is one of the most desirable and fastest-growing regions in the country," the city said in a press release. "As a further demonstration of this commitment, City Council requested an item on the next agenda to increase financial assistance up to 50% for employees with dependent (child) insurance coverage.  The City Council has continued to show support for public safety in all areas to ensure we maintain a safe and secure community."

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