Cedar Park police launch 'Bring Me Home' service to help children, intellectually disabled adults

The Cedar Park Police Department has recently launched a new program to help children and intellectually disabled adults return home.

Bring Me Home is a free program intended to help officers find and safely return people who need extra assistance as quickly as possible when they wander away from their family or caregivers.

Anyone who may have trouble communicating with public safety personnel can be registered in the program, but CPPD says Bring Me Home is particularly intended to serve individuals with autism, Down Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, dementia or any other developmental or intellectual disability.

Bring Me Home is a database offered, managed and maintained by Cedar Park Police and is only accessible by public safety personnel. Residents can enroll a loved one through an online form and provide CPPD with basic information, a current digital photograph, family emergency contact information, and other helpful information.

If a family member or caregiver alerts police their loved one has wandered away, officers will immediately be able to distribute a photo and other pertinent information from the database to first responders, says CPPD.

Additionally, CPPD says if an officer comes across someone who may be out walking or driving who appears lost or confused, they can check the database to see if the person is enrolled in the program.