City of Austin temporarily suspends large brush and bulk collection

Beginning February 21, the City of Austin is temporarily suspending large brush and bulk collection for residential curbside customers until further notice.

Any missed collection during the interruption will be rescheduled once services resume, according to Austin Resource Recovery (ARR).

These suspensions are reportedly due to staffing shortages related to COVID-19 and difficulty filling open vacancies. ARR is looking to hire entry-level and experienced drivers and has recently increased starting wages to attract talent.

New drivers start at $17 an hour, with pay increases as employees progress in their roles and on-the-job commercial driver license (CDL) training. Those interested in becoming part of the ARR team may call (512) 974-1980 or visit to learn more and apply.

For those seeking alternatives during the suspension of curbside collections for brush and bulk items, ARR is asking customers to drop off large brush at the Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant if possible. Curbside customers are encouraged to donate or gift unwanted bulk items in good condition or hold on to them until service resumes. 

Austinites may also schedule a collection through ARR’s Clothing and Housewares program at no additional charge. Additional disposal options can be found in ARR's 'What Do I Do With...' tool.

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