Early Tuesday morning hit and run in Round Rock
Yet another person has been struck and left for dead by a hit and run driver. This time it happened in Round Rock. It's a rare crime for the city and officers are anxious to solve it.
Orange spray paint maps out the moment that woman was struck by a driver who didn't stop. Her blood can still be seen on the pavement.
"Only thing she told us is she remembers going to get something to eat and waking up in the hospital," said RRPD Sgt. Justin Davis.
Officers don't have much to go on. What they do know is the victim was walking along the southbound frontage road of IH-35 just north of Highway 79 early Tuesday morning. At 1:30 AM and employee at the Motel 6 saw her body by the road and called police.
"When we came here she was laying in the parking lot and we immediately summoned for EMS to help her out," said Davis. "she received three broken ribs and her nasal cavity was broken."
While auto pedestrian crash it seem to be a frequent occurrence in Austin, Round Rock police have not had an incident since 2013.
Joe Holan was struck by a driver as he rode his bike along the frontage road of IH-35 in December of that year. The driver involved stayed at the scene and was cited for unsafe lane change.
Not stopping is a costly mistake.
"When you hit someone you have an obligation to stop and render aid to that person. If you failed to do so and if the person is seriously hurt as in this case you're looking at a third-degree felony," said Davis. "The point that we want to get out to the public is that if you sell something or heard something about this accident please call us and let us know. Any bit of information would help us out at this time."
Call RRPD traffic investigators at 512-218-6655.